All Is Fair In Love, War And Business
21 November 2008
You have to admire a film that just celebrated its 50th anniversary and yet is as fresh in its concept as if it was released last Friday. This story of three caramel companies vying for market share is a satirical look at the cut throat aspect of business. The World Caramel Company, to increase business, tries to come up with a prize to lure kids into buying their product. They choose space suits and find a model Kyoko, played with all the necessary immaturity by Hitomi Nozoe. She has really bad teeth, but that is part of the allure, that she is not some supermodel hawking the product. Watch how publicity manager Goda (Hideo Takamatsu) and his assistant Nishi (Hiroshi Kawaguchi) mold her into this spokesperson, how they lose their soul to sell the product and what Kyoko morphs into. Director Yasuzo Masumura has directed many other films and he has a flair for the absurd here. I found myself thinking that this is what goes on in business throughout the world, then and now. So, this film does not have to be remade. I honestly feel they should make it required viewing for marketing majors, as a heads up of what they can expect. A very watchable, fast paced film that will make you think.
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