better than expected
28 November 2008
Dougie, a less then mentally stable 9 year old, is heavily into a video game entitled 'Satan's Little Helper', so much so that when he spies a murderer in a devil costume he hardly bats an eye before asking to be his minion and asking if his new 'friend' can kill his sister's new boyfriend (Dougie wants to marry his sister himself, but that's neither here nor there). Things soon spiral horribly out of control, as they are apt to do in these scenarios.

I haven't been too kind to ol' Jeff Lieberman in the past, I haven't enjoyed his films since "Blue Sunshine" & have on one occasion even drew the ire of the man himself who wrote to me on here. But with that said, I have to give kudos to a film when I feel that it warrants them and I did find this film does just that. Yes it's silly, but it's still likable in it's own demented way (until it starts to lose steam a tad in the final act)

Joshua Annex steals the movie as the main baddie not even having to say a word, the rest of the cast, including a bizarre acting turn by Amanda Plummer, fare not so well (but again that's not a real slight against the film, as that's a small part of the charm) All in all it's a perfectly capable small black comedic horror film.

Eye Candy: Melisa McGregor shows T&A

My Grade: C+

Where I saw it: Netflix online via xbox 360
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