Secret File, U.S.A. (1955– )
Attention : Buyers Of $1 DVD's ... Beware !
5 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I'd first like to thank the 1st reviewer for giving us the episode descriptions,now I wont have to bother. Second if you see this on the shelf anywhere you happen to shop be forewarned.... I've watched all of these shows more than once (and in slow motion & freeze frame) and ALAN ALDA is "not" in any of them! This is a marketing ploy to help the DVD to sell.

Alan Alda would be 18 or 19 at this time but it's very doubtful the producers or even Robert Alda himself would cast Alan then,having never acted professionally yet.

Early last year I bought this show on DVD for a buck + change,mainly out of curiosity and also that I like oddball things like this to begin with. I take nothing so serious in movie or TV show watching that I can't find some humor in what I see on the screen. I very much knew that this would be quite laughable.

Now the first reviewer said these shows were boring bur I feel the opposite. I'm not saying they're exciting like James Bond movies but 2 of the episodes are so bad they're funny and the other two are just slightly interesting,in terms of ideas.

The best of the four,in my view,is where Robert Alda's character Major Morgan must impersonate a very famous Aviator in order to prevent the testing of a special rocket powered aircraft he must ultimately destroy.

Simply,the show was not on any network but was made for syndicated TV. (Shown at different times in different cities on various channels.) It's budget is low and it's product of the era of anti-communism. That in itself makes it interesting enough but writing and a need for more realistic acting (plus very little interest) hurt it's overall chances from the start.

If for any reason to buy & view this,it should be only if you have a historic interest or like things that offbeat or just so bad they're funny. 4 out of 10 stars,that's certainly no secret. (END)

04/10/2017 : I only said there were 4 shows because that's all that were on my DVD. Also, to the more recent reviewer, Robert Alda is Alan Alda's FATHER , not his brother.
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