While far from his best, this is a decent Vincent Price outing
28 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Like so many of the Poe films made in the 1960s, this one's only similarity to the original story is the title. Do NOT in any way expect Poe's story or you'll be very disappointed.

The film begins with a tribal ceremony in Africa. It seems the local tribe has taken a very strong dislike to Edward Markham and are in the midst of doing some awful mumbo-jumbo to him when his brother, Julian (Vincent Price) arrives. The scene quickly shifts and the brothers are back in England. However, Edward is locked in the attic and Julian insists no one see him because Edward has gone crazy.

Edward was able to see one person--a very unscrupulous lawyer (imagine that) and they hatch a plan to free him of his cell. By using magic from some voodoo dude, they'll put Edward in a trance and he'll be assumed dead. It's agreed upon that later the lawyer will dig up Edward and thus free him. The problem is that the lawyer is a truly evil piggy and just takes the money--leaving Edward in the grave to die a slow and miserable death. Fortunately, when grave robbers strike, Edward is freed and hangs out in the home of the doctor who arranges for the grave robberies (Christopher Lee). From this new hideout, Edward spends much of the movie exacting revenge on those who wronged him.

The plot is interesting, though if you are looking for magic from Price or Lee, don't bother. Their roles are pretty dull. The movie was much more Edward's, though you never get to see his hideously mangled face until the end of the film. It seems that the tribe did something to disfigure him so badly, he runs around wearing a mask all the time. Sadly, when you finally do get to see him near the end, it's a big disappointment. Sure, he ain't handsome, but also not nearly ugly enough to warrant a mask! Overall, an interesting film that unfortunately disappointed about as often as it impressed. The mood was great and the story interesting, but Edward's visage, the dull and unrealistic way he dispatched most of his victims and a silly final scene consign this to the category of a good time-passer and that is all.
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