When Simians Take Over...
8 January 2009
I had been avoiding watching 'Planet of the Apes' for a long time as I thought it would be one of those silly futuristic sci-fi movies with men fighting monkeys. However, the movie turned out to be so much more. The limited use of special effects give it an authentic look. Schaffner makes fine use of his equipments and crew. The reddish mountainous desert-landscape is mysterious and fascinating. The cinematography is good too. The makeup is terrific and beats what any CGI could have done. The plot is simple and yet engaging. One wonders what Taylor's fate will be. Just one you think it will take a predicted turn, you are thrown away with a surprising but layered twist. Some parts of the film are quite disturbing to watch (the museum sequence and the ending). The legendary Charlton Heston does a great job. Even though he brings the same persona that was evident in his other works, it is what Taylor required. However, the show-stealers are Roddy McDowell and Kim Hunter. Hunter's funny, witty, compassionate and clever Zira and McDowell's nerdy, dedicated and devoted Cornelius bring a wonderfully humane quality to their characters. 'Planet Of The Apes' deserves to be watched because it is a well-made and marvelously acted film but it also raises some relevant questions regarding humanity and nature.
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