"Guallamacha?" ... "Guacamole."
8 January 2009
Remake of 1938's "Three Blind Mice", its hoary plot reworked several times since, has two waitressing sisters and their wiseacre aunt taking a $4000 inheritance all the way to Miami where they plan to land rich husbands. Jovial, breezy, tuneful film is a bit short-changed on male charisma (the original had Joel McCrea and David Niven--here we get Bob Cummings and Don Ameche, hardly a fair trade-off!). Still, Betty Grable is perky, Carole Landis is subdued and lovely, and Charlotte Greenwood is a stitch as Aunt Susan (she's like Ray Bolger in drag--and her pairing with bellhop Jack Haley is certainly the oddest in the film). The songs are good (as long as Ameche isn't singing them) and the photography and intermittent location shooting are colorful. Predictable but cozy, plus there's a wonderfully flamboyant xylophone player, and Grable has a sensational dancing sequence at her engagement party. Lots of fun! *** from ****
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