Secret File, U.S.A. (1955– )
Something is Wrong Here!!!
9 January 2009
With no disrespect meant to the first commentator, something is definitely wrong here! First of all, I remember this show as being quite intriguing when I was age 14, which would have been in 1954.

In New York City where I lived, the show usually came on about 8:00 pm, right after the news which we watched on CBS with Douglas Edwards. After it was over, we switched to another network to see this show.

Secondly, I remember the show as having 'more' than 4 episodes and, thirdly, I remember the show having changed time venues in relationship to its scripts.

Why am I so certain of this? Because I remember the Major going behind enemy lines in Nazi Germany, being led by an undercover German citizen. And while they are traveling on foot toward their destination, at a roadblock, a staff car containing Adolph Hitler stops for a moment, and the major actually reaches for a hidden gun. His German companion then stops him and says, "No, even I cannot allow that!"

Just to check myself and recollection, I called an old childhood friend in Pennsylvania who is now a TV producer. He was also incredibly fond of this show: which he had to watch in my home in and as his parents couldn't afford a TV set.

His recollection is the same as mine. He too remembers the show's time venue changing mid run. And he too remembers more than 4 episodes. However, being that he is in the business, he comments that it is highly unlikely that any production company would have made only 4 shows, as it would be expensively foolish - even at that time.

He points out that even the studio that made the "Rocky Jones Space Ranger" TV series in 1954, produced 39 episodes before abandoning the project in the same year.

That said, I personally think the earlier episodes that dealt with the end of WW ll were better! And they must be out there somewhere.
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