No, it really as bad as everyone says
17 January 2009
I, like many others, watched The Never Ending Story as a child and of course loved it, I remembered the characters, the basis of the plot and the lesson. I'm fairly certain I watched the sequels but of them I remembered nothing.

Recently, I was using time before an appointment and I came across both The Never Ending Story and The Never Ending Story two for just ten dollars, obviously I could not pass up a chance to upgrade my beloved story to DVD, just in case my VHS died.

I digress, so I recently watched them back to back. Aside from replacing all but one of the original actors there didn't seem to be any development from the last story. I expected Bastion to be older physically, but I had also expected him to grow up. He was still the same shy kid but he was dumber. His father some how found a potion to make himself ten years younger then he had been and despite seeming to open up, Bastion still had no friends and couldn't even think about his mother without getting teary. I know, I know, losing someone is always hard, especially a parent, but he was suppose to have moved on in the first movie after he gave the empress a new name. On that topic, may I ask why she seemed to be nameless again in this story?

The new actors were... Painfully bad, every action and line seemed over acted to the amount of just being a farce. I never read the book so I have to judge the piece for theatrical value and this has very little. The effects are passable but very little of the story seemed to flow.

So to boil it down, Bastion never really grew up, he was just replaced with an older actor, Atreyu, as far as I'm concerned, became a less lovable character. He seemed to lose the smooth, truly native American beauty he had and just became a rough looking sort without the same natural fire and independence.

Over all the movie was an eyesore, leave it be and just watch the first.
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