The Sex Symbol (1974 TV Movie)
Cheap sets, overacting by all !!! But Connie looks stunning!
29 January 2009
I saw this when it first aired as a 13 year old, and I just viewed it again on a bootleg DVD. I loved most TV Movie's of the week as this was. Most were great little well produced dramas however this one sadly was not one of them. Thinly based on the life of Marilyn Monroe, Connie Stevens spends most of the time screeching out her dialogue to the point you almost want her to commit suicide so you don't have to hear her whining. Shelly Winters who I ALWAYS find fascinating to watch even in bad movies is just dreadful here. Her performance is just so bland and not even bad enough to be funny. SHe plays a Hedda Hopper type who is so jealous of Connie she continually insults her not just to her face but on her TV Gosspi show as well. You want to put a bullet in her head she is such a bitch. William Smith is gorgeous as always but has little to do here playing a "Joe Dimaggio" type character. I couldn't believe how bad the sets and costumes were. The sets looked like they recycled them a year later for Happy Days and the 70's clothes were odd for a movie set in the 50's. Of course Happy Days did that too, had 70's hair on a show set in the 50's. was hoping this movie would get bad enough to be funny but it didn't even go there. A major disappointment, but if you love Connie then watch it in orgasmic delight because she does look beautiful here.
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