Leave it on the shelf
30 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
William Joyce is Tom Harris a womanizing writer that travels to Voodoo Island, no hint there, to investigate a forgotten tribe who sacrifice virgins for the sake of the inflicted. This is standard sixties drive-in fare and the quality shows. The screen jumps frames like a kangaroo on steroids and some of the sound is choppy and at times inaudible. Unfortunately the sound quality remains for the lines spoken by Coral (Betty Hyatt Linton) using the most gratingly annoying voice I've heard in a film. The voodoo zombies are laughably awful and the plot surrounding their creation even worse.

I eat your skin can be summed up for me in one scene. Tom Harris and his companion are swimming up to a boat that is guarded by an evil henchman with a rifle. It doesn't seem to matter that they are making more noise than a comet hitting the earth with all of the splashing they make. Dumb henchman looks over the side of the boat out of curiosity and Tom grabs him and pulls the poor dope into the water. Next, he throws the RIFLE, into the water as well. As he and his companion climb into the boat Tom begins rummaging through equipment on the boat grabbing a flare gun to which his partner asks, "What are you going to do with that?". Tom shrugs his shoulders and replies "It's better than nothing" as the waterlogged rifle hits the riverbed. I'm going to guess this film was greatly ignored as part of the double feature and bodily orifices were vastly explored due to bored filmgoers.
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