can you learn to edit?
27 February 2009
I hope it doesn't take a brick house to fall on you Teaster before you realize you've got a problem! Look over the comments posted here. Study them carefully. Not the ones written by your friends and family, (those are quite obvious) just the ones written by independent viewers. Don't worry I'll wait... Do you see a pattern? Do you see what it is that you did? What's the word? Let me see if I can remember it... Oh yeah, editing! Can you learn to edit? The arguments are split on this one. Some say you either have it or you don't. It's an artistic skill that can't be learned. Other's claim you can learn, but it is a slow painful process. Judging by Dean Teaster's Ghost Town I don't think we can wait the years it will take you just to come up to adequate. On the plus side you make Ewe Boll look good! Check this out if you don't understand what I mean: http://www.petitiononline.com/RRH53888/petition.html
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