Review of Warlock

Warlock (1989)
You tellin' me you're a witch...? You ain't no witch! Witches are girls!
12 March 2009
Oh, dost thou scare me! hang me and burn me over a baskets of cats. I'm dead, you dolt, I don't care what you do after that. I can't believe they believed such nonsense in 1691, but apparently they did.

But, the Warlock (Julian Sands) was too slick for them and ends in in present day LA. Soon, Redferne (Richard E. Grant) appears to bring him back in some kind of reverse Terminator. A tongue bitten out and eyes removed in the first 10 minutes. This should be interesting.

Lori Singer (Short Cuts) joins Redferne after being cursed by the Warlock to age 20 years every day. Can't think of a worse curse for a woman. They travel to Boston to stop the Warlock, who discovers along the way that a certain priest has been doing unpriestly things, and uses that to get his information.

There is not a lot of special effects, but what there was seemed good for the time.

The real fun of this movie is the interaction of Singer and Grant. They made it worth watching.

Oh, yeah, get thee you male children baptized.
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