25 March 2009
Opening night at the cinema, 2 dozen people at most in it. The writers must have relied entirely on the humorous title and the fact that the two male leads are from a moderately successful British sit-com to bring the crouds in. Their character development is minimal, Try to think of "Shaun of the Dead" or "Withnail and I" with all the humour taken out. Lesbianism that is just a bit of kissing and some boobie shots, and there's a bit of blood and biting for the vampire scenes. None of the characters are really likable though. Why cheer for Jimmy if all he does is stand there looking gormless all the time? Hang on, he's pretending to be Ash from the Evil Dead series.... maybe not. Fletch's character is someone who thinks 4 letter words are funny.

There's a strange feeling of unbalance in this film. One of my gripes was the sound. it's way over-produced, every single spooky noise going through the whole surround system in sequence to the point where it's not spooky at all. The effects and scenes are top notch, so are the costumes and make-up on the vampire girls, so why wasn't more effort put into the script and the filming? There's barely enough material to fill half an hour here, and sometimes the action feel clumsy and awkward as if neither the actors nor the film crew really knew what's going on.

Put it this way, if you want to watch vampires being killed, watch Blade or Dusk till dawn. If you want to watch lesbians, search the internet. And it you can't find a teen comedy, you need to get out more.
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