City Hunter (1987–1991)
Equalizer gets the anime treatment
26 March 2009
For anyone who has seen the American TV series "The Equalizer", this series will be quite familiar. The plot is simple. As with The Equalizer, a former assassin has retired to a city apartment where he rents out his services to people in dire trouble who can't help themselves, usually without receiving any payment for his efforts.

Where City Hunter differs is the addition of absurd humour. Kaori Makimura, assistant to Ryo Saeba (aka City Hunter), acts out her jealousy by producing 100 tonne hammers out of thin air, and using them on Ryo when his libido gets out of control. Considering that Ryo will only take on female clients, that's always.

City Hunter is one of the few anime series that can be enjoyed equally by male and female viewers. Like any series, it has its weak episodes. But when it's good, there's nothing better.
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