12 Rounds (2009)
reading these movie reviews
28 March 2009
I got tired of watching wrestling years ago, about the time of stupid Doom movie (The Rock). I thought The Marine was great with the least crappy humor in it. I like this movie because of the action, besides some of the bad acting. John Cena good besides the bad reviews before me. I am just going to have to learn not coming here anymore because there are just way too many people would rather tear a movie down than say anything descent about it. Say all you want, but I have seen some bad movies. There are some comedies that I have seen for about last 15 years that are just considered ridiculously stupid as Heck. This movie is kind of like Die Hard series but I think it was good for being PG-13. Die Hard series were Rated R. So even if they bump up PG-13 movies a little closer to R, only rare ones are. This one is a regular PG-13 movie with no special extras toward a rated R. So this not much to compare with Die Hard except maybe the plot a little.

I like good action and most action movies are just for action anyways and not meant for best actors. As this being a Saw thing, well there was no people dying in contraptions like in Saw. As Saw being a Torture and Porn. You got the torture right but porn, think again. Not one of Saws has any couple or two man and women doing each other in the movie. There is hardly any nudity in any of them. So get the facts straight. Torture just does not mean automatically PORN. If you have watched the movie with James Woods (Video Drome), that is more of a torture and porn than Saw and Hostel. Video Drome was even soft porn. There is also a movie called the Crash that was about car crashes and having sex with others that are in the wrecks with was soft porn, but Saw and Hostel don't match it at all as Porn.

Man, coming to this site and people just make of crap just because they did not like the movie. Just because you have a personal problem about your thoughts of what you did not like of a movie, really will make people like the ones that actually did like the movie Roll Their Eyes at you. I have no problem seeing this movie again and I bet they will put this on regular TV as a special movie, but you never know now a days they are not putting anything really good on regular TV as movies. Dumb comedies about people making fools out themselves to think they are intelligent for being stupid, yeah that is funny, NOT. Funniest Home Videos are funnier. Enjoy this movie for the ones that watch action and enjoy it, I did and I think others will that at least know how to enjoy a movie.
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