Street Hawk (1985)
God , I used to love this show
31 March 2009
As a young boy I really loved this show.

At the time I was hugely into electro music (Jean Michel Jarre etc) so it's easy to see how the wicked Tangerine Dream theme tune had me hooked. I've always been a fan of the little guy and seeing this trying to go up against the likes of Knight Rider made me root for it even more.

I don't ride a bike but I've always thought that those who do look so cool in all their leathers and this probably helped fuel that. No visible show of skin, like some kind of futuristic warrior.

As for the show, what I can remember I hugely enjoyed. The play-off between the hero and his tech guy was always good fun as where the scenes when he would hit the turbo button. My step dad would always complain that this was impossible in a chain belt motorbike but what did he know! I remember at the end of the first episode the hero pulling out this 360 spin on the bike so he could survey the area with his special equipment. Both the tech guy character in the show, and myself, were blown away.

I can even remember an episode when the tech guy is being served by this buxom waitress in this fish restaurant. It clearly made an impression because I can exactly remember that she had on navy shorts, a navy and white horizontal striped jumper, lovely tumbling blond hair and a sailor cap.

The techie guy was all nervous but thankfully the hero gave him some tips on women and the next time the tech went back to the restaurant I think he gave her his number. As a young boy I probably held it as an example that the geek could get the honey. Only years later would I realise this was the most fictional part of the whole show! Anyway, I loved the show and was gutted when it was cancelled. Bravo to all those who made it.
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