Awful, epic fail of a movie and an embarrassment to the original
23 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I can not believe how awful this movie is. Words can not describe it. It's blasphemous to even make a sequel to the original much less a third movie. My eyes bled and my ears fell off just viewing the trailer. Adding Messier and Gilmore only sprayed Lysol on an otherwise pile of horse poop from a horse who ate eggs and chili for a week. This looked like a Might Ducks repeat which is bad enough. Please tell me in what universe ball hockey players make it to Juniors? Any why must the Hansons continue to be tricked into making sequels? Is nothing sacred anymore? I'm writing my local congressman to ask him to push for legislation banning the viewing or selling of this movie. Caddyshack 2 should have been the beacon for all directors to never make a sequel from a great original. This movie receives an intent to injure match penalty for the injuries my brain sustained from watching it. Colin Campbell should suspend this wretched piece of doo doo.
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