My Own Country (1998 TV Movie)
Very fine acting
14 May 2009
I just caught this on late night cable and stayed up until 3 AM to see the end. I was so moved by the acting - especially Marisa Tomei and Glenne Headly. Naveen Andrews was very fine, too. But Marisa's compassionate character was truly award-worthy, IMO. Hal Holbrook's storyline was beautiful, as well. And I hadn't realized that Marisa's real life brother was an actor (and portrayed her brother in this film).

We have tended to push the AIDS story on the back burner these days, but this was a meaningful portrayal of what one doctor went through, in a very unusual setting. I loved the inclusion of his family and culture into the story. If all the medical staff were really as supportive as portrayed, then it was an amazing place to get care.

One of my favorite lines from the movie was from the Doctor's loyal assistant (perhaps secretary, or clinic manager) who commented (to the effect) that she would give anything to be loved by a man as much as the male gay partners loved each other.

I recorded it so I can watch it again, I missed the very beginning. But I definitely thought it was beautiful and worth watching (and staying up very late to see through!)
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