"I trust our daughter to the ends of the earth." ... "That's approximately where she is!"
30 May 2009
College lass from Boston takes a summer tour of Brazil to study art, decides to stay on in São Paulo where she has become the latest protégé of a debonair older man, a famous architect and sculptor known for his nudes; Dad, Mom, and Sis fly out, too, once they get the news. Extremely weak travelogue-cum-romantic comedy from Fox, featuring the requisite sight-seeing bits and landmark stops yet far too much back-projection and set-bound stints. At first, the parents (Jane Wyman and fussy Clifton Webb) appear to be excited about spending some time together down South America way--but after their happy, smiling daughter meets them at the airport, all Pop does is grouse (he seems jealous of the student-teacher relationship between Jill St. John and Paul Henreid, a sidebar which may have been worth exploring under different circumstances). The cinematography is mediocre, making everyone look short and stumpy (even leggy St. John), and the romantic shenanigans which ensue are not breezy or funny enough to pump much life into this narrative, which covers all-too familiar territory. ** from ****
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