Review of Mental

Mental (2009)
Heads Should Roll
3 June 2009
At some point in time, someone read this script. Somewhere along the line there were dailies of the pilot. Somebody pitched this.

How, on God's green earth did five episodes get made? I'm flabbergasted. Someones's got to be related or having sex with somebody. Hopefully not both :) Let's face it, a LOT of mediocre pilots get made, fail, and then are quickly forgotten. I could see network brass saying to themselves, 'House is popular and this is a little similar, so let's greenlight a pilot.'

But five episodes?!?

Walk a bull into a China shop and who's fault is the outcome? The bull? Of course not. I just can't nail the creators to the wall here. They'd probably be the first ones to tell you that their abilities are limited. The fault of this lies squarely on the shoulders of the network. Whatever exec greenlit this- they shouldn't have a job. Period.
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