So much better than the original, but that isn't saying much
3 June 2009
I missed seeing #2, but I have seen the original, and this one.

Many scenes from this one are taken directly from the original, but this time it's a kids team, and while there are some dirty plays, the tone is on playing clean, being good at the actual sport.

What is also refreshing about this one is the almost complete lack of homophobia that saturated the first film. That one was one continuing f@g joke from beginning to end, which would have been humiliating for a young gay hockey fan to have to sit through in a crowded cinema. But times have changed, and that crap is out. It turns out that you can save the town without compulsively insulting and degrading a whole group of people who live in it.

Unfortunately, as with most films featuring the big Corus logo at the end of the credits, it's still a pretty stupid plot, with pretty stupid gags. So it only gets a 6/10 from me.
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