Review of Virus Undead

Virus Undead (2008)
Surprisingly good, low budget, zombie flick.
12 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
It's not Jet-Li + Undead, which seems to have disappointed some folks, but it *is* a decent zombie film that even manages to outshine some of its big budget contemporaries where plot consistency and character depth are concerned (Resident Evil, I'm looking at you).

The acting isn't brilliant, but it's far above that exhibited in real trash like Street Zombies, while not being all that much worse than the acting exhibited in some legitimate Hollywood blockbusters (again, I'm going to pick on Resident Evil). So, to recap — not Shakespeare, but not wooden studio extras either.

The plot is admittedly shallow, but no more so than many dozens of other zombie films — a virus gets out, infects a lot of innocent people, zombies rise up, and chaos ensues. It's pretty formulaic. That said, it's also very consistent, which a lot of other zombie movies using that same basic plot are *not*.

Virus Undead doesn't try to dazzle you with clever plot twists or drop in five or six espionage/conspiracy/romance sub-plots. The first half of the film is a little slow, but it's because it takes time to build up the characters and present a little backstory (something that I wish more zombie films did).

Finally, the special effects are pretty darn good, all things considered. There isn't a lot of on-screen gore, but the zombies are convincingly creepy, the virus-infected birds menacing, and the few on-screen injuries better than a lot of what passed for F/X in the 1980s.

All things considered, this film isn't a bad way to burn a little bit of free time.
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