Try to come up with your own ideas this time...
28 June 2009
You would think that when Hollywood decides to do a reboot/remake/insert-noun-here, they would actually put some creativity and new ideas into what they produce.

This time... they do not.

Jason's kills are uninspired and actually pretty lame. Roasting a camper in her own sleeping bag? Probably would have worked if the director didn't show her falling out of the bag already dead. Shooting with a bow & arrow? Wow, when did Jason turn into such a good shot? In fact, most of the deaths in this movie seemed to be taken from other horror movies, particularly 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre' and 'Halloween'!

The lighting was terrible (I know it's supposed to be dark, but for God's sake, I couldn't see half of what was going on), the script was lousy... you know what, forget it. Let's just face it: there's no way this movie could ever hold up to the original movie.
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