I'll fined my one true love in Timatunge
27 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
(There are Spoilers) Even though actor Jon Hall who plays the handsome Tarzan-like, in some of the scenes in the film, hero Capt. Jim Knight put his heart and soul, as well as bank account, into this turkey of a south seas adventure film nothing was able to save it.

Even Jon's old man Felix Locher who plays the island's, Timatunge, wise old native Chief King Parea couldn't keep the movie from sinking under the waves. It was only both actor Peter Lorre as the island's French Commissioner Lamoret and the mischievous chimp Salty, Capt. Knight's third mate, that made the film worth watching. This was with Lamoret & Salty interacting in a combination Abbot & Costello and King Solomon routine about a native who stole his neighbor's wife because she trapped cooked and ate a wild pig for him that, with Salty stealing the commissioner's thunder, brought the house down.

The movie has this trio of modern day pirates Malone Ross & Pinky, John Carradine Mike Mazurki & Michael Barrett,force the peaceful and fun loving Timatunge islanders to dive under the sea to retrieve dozens of precious pearls for them. This leads to almost the entire island's male population drowning in their failed attempt to retrieve the elusive, buried under the seabed, pearls. It's when Capt. Knight and his crew showed up unexpectedly and are taken prisoners that he being part Polynesian himself, and an expert scuba diver, was forced by Malone to dive under the sea, to depths of over 100 feet, to retrieve the pearl himself.

We have Capt. Knight escape his kidnappers only to get caught again together with King Parea's beautiful daughter the island Princess Mareva, Roberta Haynes, and forced to take them, on Capt. Knight's ship the Tahiti Star, to far off New Zealand. This leads to all kinds of complications for the three pirates by Capt. Knight tricking them by going the opposite direction, thats going East instead of West, back to Timatunge.

Despite the two pirates Malone & Ross, Pinky had since departed the scene, being arrested they still manage to escape to give the movie some 20 extra minutes of running time. That turned out to be about the most exciting part in the film with Capt. Knight going into action by going underwater where his native, or Polynesian, talents came in handy.

P.S Incidentally both Jon Hall and his dad Felix Locher were not playing against type in their roles of part Polynesian or Tahitian Capt, Knight and Polynesian native Chief Parea in the fact that they in real life are of Polynesian background themselves! With Jon Hall's mother, Locher's wife, being a real-life Tahitian princess.
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