'Way Out (1961)
Lady with Light Bulb for a Head! Timeless Horror
14 July 2009
I was seven years old when I saw this episode, and these many many years later it still is in place as one of the creepiest concepts and images I have ever experienced. Hope to see this one day on DVD, or on TV someplace. Far scarier and more unsettling -- at least this one episode that has stayed alive in my head -- than anything else, except perhaps some segments of "Thriller" with Karloff. Glad to see other people remembering this with the same intensity as I have! Obviously there were lots of us kids staying up and devouring this material, and funny that of all these, basically only "The Twilight Zone" and "The Outer Limits" still resonate in any major way. "T Zone" because of the number of episodes became a classic, "Outer Limits" because of its sheer excellence despite a low # of episodes. Almost no hope for something like "Way Out" to have a life in syndication, which obviously it didn't. Hopefully this will resurface for us soon!
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