Sherman's Way (2008)
Great movie... excepting Sherman himself, who is totally charmless.....
16 July 2009
This would have worked really really well, pretty charming indie, good solid values, great, great supporting cast, neat feel and a good take on the lazier side of American small town life....

The plot is simple: uptight law student meets a down-on-his-luck ex-Olympic skier bum and together with the bum's friends, the law student learns about life... nothing stunning but sounds OK, right?


The lead role of Sherman is just horrible... sorry, but awkward that becomes this type of awkward charm is just squirmy... and why everyone tries to befriend Sherman totally defeated us.

Honestly, they should be sorely tempted to give him a really big kicking to teach him a little about life than take him fishing.

I'm not being mean-spirited here, it just don't work. Sherman is just unlikeable, and never more so when trying to be likable. You just feel that 5 minutes away from the new circle of friends and the GOP genes will kick back in with a vengeance.

Horrible miscast and it really spoils a film that could have really lit up the screen with the right actor.

Hate to trash indie films but this is a real lesson is getting the right person cast right from the off.

What you end up is a film you can definitely watch for the supporting cast...

'Nuff said.
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