What bothers me the most is that it is called a "comedy"
17 July 2009
Before I sat down to the dreadful viewing of "Little Miss Sunshine", I contemplated buying this movie after all of the wonderful things I heard regarding it and after wanting to initially see it in the theaters. Luckily I held out and got it free from the library. Had I actually spent money on this movie, I would have hated it even more.

How is this a comedy? This is a dark look at a dysfunctional family, complete with a suicidal uncle and borderline pedophile grandfather. Hilarious stuff.

This is a dark drama. Granted there are no killings or relationships gone destructive, but this is not a fun romp in the hay. If you feel anything (other than boredom), then you feel sorry for these people, because although they have a very realistic tone to them, you wish one of them would actually feel happy for awhile. Maybe this is too "real" but I do know that you would have to be sick to find this funny.

Luckily there are some others on this site who actually speak my opinions as well giving the movie a whole 1 * because I would be dumbfounded and am dumbfounded by so many who found joy in this movie. Sad.
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