Review of Powder

Powder (1995)
He Should Have Become A Superhero.
20 July 2009
Knocking off another film on a list recommended by PW, this time it's Victor Salva's Powder. This is the second Salva film to appear in this thread, the first was the co called return to B-Horror Jeepers Creepers. One film is about style, one is about substance. Guess which one is which.

A lot of people hate Salva's film simply because of his criminal record, which is weird because I don't usually hear the same mud flinging when people review a Roman Polanksi film. He hasn't done much work in his career, which pretty much consists of Jeepers Creepers I & II and Powder, then there are a bunch of other films that not a lot of people have seen. To say this is his best isn't really saying much, so I'll just say it's his bravest, as well as those involved.

Sean Patrick Flanery gives a wonderful performance here, you feel his heartache from just his eyes. His dedication to the role is admirable. There are certain actors that when you cast them, you know exactly what your getting, case in point: Jeff Golblum. The guy has the exact same style in everyone one of his movies, yet he still remains likable, at least to me.

The film has some bits that really bring it down, but it also has some really powerful scenes. The "bald as a baby" bit where they disrobe him is the most powerful scene in my opinion. Here is a guy who just wants to be normal, who longs for something insignificant to us, but near and dear to him. He is then humiliated for this.

I wasn't too big a fan of the climax ending, when he becomes raw energy or something. It was interesting, but just didn't really sit well with me. The film dipped into science fiction, then it went full throttle at the end there.

On a side note: If he can't grow hair, why does he have eyelashes?
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