Paradiso Blu (1980)
"Pewee" gets some from Igemar Bergman's daughter in a very boring Joe D'Amato film
6 August 2009
The notorious Joe d'Amato made any number of these sex-in-a-tropical paradise films in the late 70's/early 80's. Some were hardcore porn, some were softcore porn, some were horror flicks, and some of the most memorable were various combinations of all of these (i.e. "Orgasmo Nero", "Erotic Nights of the Living Dead", "Porno Holocaust"). This one is just a straight softcore porn flick, and a very boring one at that. The very tame sex scenes are few and far in between and there is very little dramatic tension.

After a rather unconvincing plane crash, a sexy stewardess (Anna Bergman) and a shy male virgin (Daniel Monahan) wash up on a deserted island. After many "Blue Lagoon" type longeurs, they eventually start schtupping each other. But then jealousy rears its head when a lone male sailor (Jon Richardson)shows up and gives it to Begman, while a native girl (Lucia Ramirez) the couple save from being sacrificed by her tribe makes the beast with two backs with Monahan. But that's it-- Bergman and Ramirez don't even get together for interracial lesbian scene or a threesome. Very disappointing.

The cast is, well uh, interesting. Monahan would become most famous for playing "Pewee" in the "Porky's" series a few years later. Anna Bergman is the daughter of Swedish director Ingemar Bergman, but she mostly appeared in low-brow British sex comedies with the likes of Mary Millington and Suzy Mandel. She's quite sexy actually, but this just is not her forte (D'Amato made two very similar but much better softcore films like this--"Eleven Days, Eleven Nights" and "The Alcove"--with his regular female star Laura Gemser, and while neither actress would ever kicked out of anyone's bed, Gemser is just far better in these type of roles). Hilariously, D'Amato signed Bergman's named to this as the DIRECTOR--apparently trying to capture that no doubt large audience of compulsively masturbating Igemar Bergman fans.

The cinematography I'm sure was very good originally, but good luck finding anything but a crappy-looking Italian-language bootleg of this. I just can't in good conscience recommend this one I'm afraid.
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