I'm Glad Someone Liked This Movie . . .
8 August 2009
. . . because that means it wasn't a total waste of celluloid.

I am a great fan of bad movies. In fact, I believe that many "bad" movies are not really bad, but just misunderstood, as I've tried to explain in my reviews of other much maligned movies such as "Robot Monster" and "Night of the Living Dead 3D." But this one, in my opinion, is not enjoyably bad, not laughably bad. Just plain bad.

The opening scenes with Tom Savini are passable. But when Abbott Hayes makes his appearance, things go downhill really fast. In fact, it quickly got to the point where I could no longer watch this movie. I felt that I had already wasted too much of my life on this piece of trash and could not afford to waste any more.

All the negative comments that have been made about this movie by previous reviewers are true. It is total garbage. For the few who enjoyed it, I say more power to you. But as for me, I wish I had read the reviews before investing a half hour of my life that I will never get back.
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