Review of Whale Wars

Whale Wars (2008– )
Monstrous Figures
11 August 2009
Some Figures monstrous and mis-shap'd appear, Consider'd singly, or beheld too near, Which, but proportion'd to their Light, or Place, Due Distance reconciles to Form and Grace. - Alexander Pope

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread, so go ahead and call the crew of the Sea Shepard fools if it makes you feel superior. Make jokes about what you would do if you were a whale, but you should know something about this series called Whale Wars.

It is unusual, and it is raw. If you have not seen it, it is something different than shows like Deadliest Catch. It puts us on the scene of a confrontation between two philosophies.

Maybe some things look deformed and clumsy when viewed up close, but with a proper distance their form is something of grace and beauty

For what it's worth, my view of the world has grown into something cynical, and I find this program truly compelling.
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