Not Deanna's best
23 August 2009
One can't blame Deanna Durbin for the low quality of some of her films. Beautiful and with a lovely voice, she got stuck at Universal Studios, in "poverty row," a company that made few memorable musicals. This film is a case in point. Check out the clearly artificial urban landscape scenes, the lousy script, and skinny, smirking Francot Tone as the love interest. My guess is that Universal made the film in a couple of weeks and quickly shipped it to theaters. In one scene, about 70 percent through the film, Durbin is dancing with Tone in a (what else?)night club. One can see clearly that her wedding ring has been covered with flesh-colored tape. If that were not bad enough, the camera focuses in on the hand while the two dancers who are blathering about the woman's desire to get into show biz. In short, this is a Durbin film to skip. And it's not her fault. She could act and sing rings around a large number of famous actresses in better studios.
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