" You worship only one God, we have many to choose from "
26 August 2009
Back in the early history of Hollywood, during the 1950's, movie producers and gifted directors were often constricted and restricted in their efforts to produce memorable films. Take this one for instance. The film is called " Solomon (Yul Brynner) and Sheba (Gina Lollobrigida) " Some say they succeeded, others, especially modern critics used to a more tolerant set of guidelines, snicker at their censored efforts. The story is of the Bibical encounter between the wisest of all kings and the sultry queen from Sheba. Although many facts are distorted, the magnificence within the movie are surprisingly spectacular. Indeed, while viewing the gorgeous setting, elegant costumes and splendid scenery a plethora of questions arise. Things like, Solomon having a hundred wives, yet pursues Sheba like a lion after a kill. The Queen is given permission to have a pagan ritual to her God, however modern audiences view their exotic gyrating dance with yawing amusement. Still the cast of this film did a great job. George Sanders, David Farrar, John Crawford and Finlay Currie as David give this film it's legitimacy. Together they establish this colorful film as a movie original. ***
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