Halloween II (2009)
Rob Zombie threw a party and Michael Myers just happened to drop by
28 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
A couple years ago we had the release of the re-make Halloween, directed by Rob Zombie, he claimed that it wasn't a re-make as more of his own vision. I was very much looking forward to it and was greatly let down. So when I heard that Rob was working on the sequel, I just laughed and knew I wasn't going to see this movie. But then I saw the trailer for the film and darnit, curse Rob Zombie for feeding my hunger towards scare and gore. The trailer looked so great, I just had to see the sequel, I don't know maybe it had hidden messages saying "see this movie" or something. But I saw Halloween 2 today and once again, I fell for it! Now I think Rob Zombie is a very talented director, his visionary style is incredible, coming from a graphic design background, I admit this movie still has some great and creepy images. He has this knack for these gritty horror films and I believe that down the line his film The Devil's Rejects will be a cult classic. The reason why; despite the fact that The Devil's Rejects is somewhat of an homage to the old gritty dark horror films of the 1970's, it was exactly meant for Zombie as it was his vision that made it into the classic that it will be. Halloween is not meant for Zombie and the reason why is in one word: Simplicity.

Simplicity being the reason why this isn't Zombie's picture to mess around with, Michael Myers is evil, no specific reason why, he just is. As we saw in the first movie, Zombie tried giving Myers a soul and it took away the scare more than give it to the audience. He's made Michael Myers into a bum, or at least he looks like one, take for example: The Mask. Myers does not wear the mask for most of the film or at least it's ripped off and we can see a good amount of Myer's face and it's not Michael Myers without the iconic mask. His look for me is just all off as well, I don't see his height as much of something to be bothered by, while his kills are extremely creative and fun to watch on screen, he still didn't do much for me as he looked like a hippie bum with that long black cloak. Zombie also has all his trademarks in this movie, as his love for the 1970's, strippers/boobies, gore, sex, drugs and dirty ugly bums who look like they still haven't figured out that the tooth brush has been invented. But here's Zombie's version of what he thinks the sequel should be.

Taking right where we left off from the first film, Laurie has a vicious nightmare that Michael is still after her, but she wakes up. It's one year after all the murders and Laurie is now living with the Bracketts. Michael's body has been missing since last Halloween, presumed dead, and Laurie has been having recurring nightmares about the event. While Laurie deals with her trauma through therapy, Loomis has chosen to turn the event into an opportunity to write another book. Meanwhile, Michael has been seeing visions of his mother's ghost and a younger version of himself, who instructs him that with Halloween approaching it is time to bring Laurie home.

Scout Taylor-Compton, this girl, I have no idea why she was picked as the strong female Laurie Strode, because she spent 98.9% of this movie crying, sobbing and blubbering "he'sgonnagetmeeeee! I'mnotwhoyathinkiam!", and how in the heck was I supposed to root for that kind of a female lead? Scout is a lousy actress and the writing was all wrong for the character as well. Another trademark that I forgot to mention earlier that Rob loves putting in his movies, his wife Sherri Moon, pretty woman and over all a talented enough actress. But how in the heck was her role needed in this movie? Zombie is ripping off Psycho by making Myers see his dead mother all over the place saying for him to kill everyone. Again, I like the simplicity of Myers just being born evil with no explanation. Rob Zombie delivers in images and gore, but not in the scares. While the movie has some awesome kills, it's not worthy to add to the collection of Halloween sequels which the first 7 are actually good and worth watching. This was a project that wasn't meant for him nor should have it been for anyone, Halloween should be left alone. With Zombie making this into his vision, he's turned Mike Myers into a bum who dumb people for some odd reason pick a fight with and then get killed in the end and I'm supposed to feel sorry for them? Not likely, just skip it.

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