True Blood: Escape from Dragon House (2008)
Season 1, Episode 4
Don't say "uh oh". Vampires are not supposed to say "uh oh"...
21 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This episode begins with a great big "uh oh", as Sookie discovers dead Dawn. The shot of Jason in the background, dropping the vase of flowers in shock, was effective. I kind of felt sorry for him...until it became clear he was more concerned about his own ass than mourning the loss of Dawn. Sadly, Sookie seemed to be the only one who was broken up over Dawn's death (well...her and Hoyt Fortenberry - who was apparently the only other decent person in the bar when Sookie was listening to people's thoughts there). It was great to hear him thinking nice thoughts about Dawn, as was Sookie giving him a kiss (he deserved it) and thanking him for being the only considerate person in the bar. After hearing what everyone else was thinking in regards to the dearly departed Dawn - I don't know how you're supposed to *like* anybody in the town (the coroner saying, "You don't have to be too careful. Ain't gonna hurt her.", as they carried Dawn out in a body bag, was especially horrible - and watching them unceremoniously load her into the van was quite sad). Why, oh why couldn't it have been Arlene instead of Dawn? She's far more irritating. I'm glad Sookie told her off (and stole her ranch dressing!) for first complaining about Dawn leaving them "high and dry", then saying she had it coming to her, THEN acting like a bitch towards Bill later on.

I have to disagree with what Tara said about Jason - there really ISN'T "more to him than meets the eye" (he's not a Transformer, after all). Jason just really IS that dumb, that's all there is to it. Drinking the whole vial of V, after Lafayette said to only take 1-2 drops? Dumbass. Having said just HAD to feel sympathy for Jason and his "gout of the d!ck". That was some obviously some extremely painful crap he went through, and I'm sure every male watching the show was wincing throughout. That was nasty. Tara's reaction - after Jason lifted the steak from his crotch - was, I think, a pretty good indicator of just how bad it must've looked. The fact that so much of the episode was devoted to Jason's member kind of suggests Dawn was wrong in the last episode (when she said that the world does not revolve around Jason's d!ck). His begging Tara to stay with him and her telling him to breathe (as he was about to get a needle in his "sweet baby" ) was a nice role reversal on the whole stereotypical man-holding-the-pregnant-woman's-hand-as-she-gives-birth scenario. Moving on from this unpleasantness, however...

Although Sookie was a bit snappish with Bill to begin with, I - as always - did enjoy their scenes together. Everything from Sookie's reaction to the name 'Fangtasia' (the way she said "Fang-tasia?" in disbelief was hilarious, as was Bill explaining that "Puns used to be the highest form of humor.") to their making a date that was "not a date". I enjoyed the interaction between them and the chemistry between the two was as good as ever. I liked their car ride to the vampire bar, and the fact that we got to hear 'Dont Fear The Reaper' playing there (albeit an unnecessarily 'techno' version). Pam and Eric were given quite the memorable introduction. It was kind of oddly funny when Bill would squeeze Sookie's hand, every time she said something to Eric that Bill felt she shouldn't say. At least she caught on, from last episode, that saying she's *his* (Bill's) protects her from other vampires (in this case, Eric) laying claim to her. I liked that she used her telepathic ability to warn them of the raid. It was a nice shot - the four of them exiting the bar, with Bill super-swiftly sweeping Sookie up into his arms. The shot of Eric and Pam seemingly 'gliding' away was a bit cheesy-looking, though.

Probably the best scene of the episode, however, has got to be when Sookie and Bill are driving away from Fangtasia, pull over, then are rudely interrupted by a cop flashing his light in their faces. The way this scene plays out is extremely tension-filled, and you don't know exactly what Bill's going to do. Bill's speech, after he puts his whammy (sorry, 'glamour') on the cop, is a great moment. Stephen Moyer delivers that dialogue with the right sense of menace (but also restraint). I'm glad he took the cop's gun, told him off for being so rude to Sookie and put the guy in his place. It was - quite simply - an awesome scene.

Lastly, we come to Sam (who was the only other one there for Sookie, in regards to Dawn) and who we see has not only a key to Dawn's place, but also a picture of the two of them looking like they were apparently together/involved at one point (or maybe they were just really good 'friends'?). Anyway, the most curious thing of all is Sam entering her place (not only was he her boss, but also - we learn earlier - her landlord) and then proceeding to climb onto the bed in which she died and writhe around in her sheets, sniffing and smelling them, rolling around, covering himself in her 'scent' - which leads into the awesomely appropriate song 'That Smell' over the end credits. One of the best songs used yet.
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