Stargate Universe (2009–2011)
Stargate, the Next Generation
3 October 2009
I was nine when the original Stargate film released, and it was one of the first times I was awed by the truly limitless potential of science fiction. I got into the Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis franchises only a few years ago, and I have since seen every episode in the series. It was the reality-based fantasy of SG-1 that drew me in, and despite what budget and technological constraints the show had to endure in its 10-year run, I always felt it captured an aspect of human existence that was often left unexplored in fiction: our place in the universe.

After watching the premiere of Stargate Universe for the second time, I am convinced that the fate of the franchise has a true destiny aboard this ship. The quality of talent in every avenue of production is staggering, and it emanates through every facet on screen. From masterful talents like Robert Carlyle (28 Weeks Later) and Justin Louis (Durham County), to the many newcomers and rising stars, the crew brings humanity into the dark frontier of deep space with a raw and visceral tenacity that captures the essence of human nature.

Stargate Universe brings science fiction television into the twenty-first century with influences and lessons learned from every epic saga that came before it. From the cinematic tension of the recent Battlestar Galactica reboot, to the unpredictable realities of the universe in series like Sliders, Star Trek, Farscape, and Firefly.

With SG-1's legacy of imaginative writers and visionary directors behind it the future of the series is finally entering the next chapter. Stargate Universe may well be the next great space saga for a new era of television. Whether you know the lore, or you're on your first trip through the gate, you're in for a ride like nothing else on TV. You may not know what to make of the series from the pilot, but if its predecessors are any indication there are great things in store for newcomers and fans alike as the series progresses.

One thing the Stargate series has always been about is stepping through the puddle to something new and unexplored, and now we all have the opportunity to make that journey anew. In the series' past we were invited to explore the galaxy and learn something about our place in the epic fantasy of the saga. Now we're venturing into the unknown depths of the universe, and the ship of Destiny is just the right vehicle to take us there.

With the support of the fans, and the network, Stargate Universe may soon have its place among the classics, as a science fiction epic that explores humanity's infinite potential in the universe. Don't let its humble beginnings fool you, we are all in for an adventure, that will hopefully be engaging us for many years to come.
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