There isn't anything "Wild" about this film
19 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I had more excitement and anticipation for this movie than the Star Wars prequels. I mean, I had a lot of personal investment in this movie. The trailer(s) are SO misleading. I understand that trailers are to hype people into going out and seeing said movie. Hence, why some snoozers will display every piece of action in the film (in the trailer) to draw a broader general-public-ADD audience.

I was expecting this to be a celebration of imagination and the mind of a child. I wasn't expecting this to be a long drawn-out sob-fest. The dialog is horrific, even if it's being conjured in a kid's head. The creatures and the island are awesome! Those two things alone are worth the price of my admission. I just don't understand why they'd take this PG movie and make it so dark and dreary. The source material isn't the brightest, cheeriest thing I've ever seen - but it wasn't full of angst. That was this movie's problem... there was an overwhelming amount of angst.

Even the 'fun' scenes had a touch of emo-melancholy bull-crap that ruined itself.

I foresee a bunch of shoe-gazers/emo kids getting hoodies/purses/backpacks/tattoos riddled with these characters. If this movie is a celebration of anything, it's the celebration of mindless dark/emo twists on children's stories - which happens to be quite the trend now (just wait for Alice in Wonderland)...

Thanks Spike and Co.

This film may have received the author's blessing - but I stand firmly against the mood of this film. All it needs is more silly and less serious. Is that too much to ask? I mean, this isn't a courtroom drama. This isn't The Lovely Bones.. this is a Children's BOOK! It's a book about rebellion, and the return back to family. Though those are a bit serious subjects in nature - they aren't displayed in such an emo way.

I'd hate to consider myself a 'book purist', but what I enjoyed out of Where the Wild Things Are is completely exempt from this film.

I'm giving this a "6" for it's technical achievements. Jim Hensen company will always have my respect. I just wish they would've found a way to keep the animatronic heads.

All and all - don't take your kids to see this. Well, hold on... if you have a kid with a swoop haircut with scars on their forearms/wrists, you should bring them to this movie. They'll enjoy it, then stand in the rain for a hour to think about it.

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