The Keeper (I) (2009)
Solid DTV effort
19 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Just watched THE KEEPER and was pleasantly surprised. Sure, it wasn't 'Out For Justice', but it was a lot better movie, than it's distributors give it credit for (can't believe they printed an earlier draft of the script on the back cover......don't the people at OPTIMUM have proof-readers for these things?)


Anyhow, the story gets straight to the action, with Seagal as Roland Sallinger, a cop with 25 years on the force, teamed up with an over-ambitious (and greedy) partner. After a drug bust, Sallingers partner is Keen to pocket the drug money. Sallinger (a good cop) hates this idea, and is promptly shot by his crooked partner (who then phones it in a gang-shooting)....Only thing is, Sallinger is rushed to the hospital, wounded, but not dead. The crooked partner turns up at the hospital looking for Sallinger, who has a visit prior by a female colleague (and lifts her gun from her handbag, in order to defend himself) As the lady cop leaves the hospital, she realises her gun is gone, and races back to Sallingers ward. The crooked cop tries to suffocate Sallinger with a pillow, and is promptly shot with the gun Roland stole (never take a pillow to a gunfight, i say!)

Much time passes, and we witness Sallinger (banished from the police, due to injuries) taking medication, lifting weights, throwing knifes (we also get to see his many, many awards, medals and trophies, earned during the line of fire) We also notice a picture of him and a wealthy Texan millionaire (but more on that later.....) As he mends his injuries, aided by his female colleague, the scene shifts to the glitzy night-life, of a wealthy young (Paris-Hilton- like) heiress (named Nikita) who's saddled with a playboy boxing womaniser (NOT a football player, as the cover states) who we know from the outset is rather crooked, as he flees the scene of an attempted kidnapping on the heiress. Sallinger is slowly getting better, when a surprise phone call, from his texan millionaire friend, asking him to fly over and help him with a problem. Feeling better, Roland agrees, and is met at the airport by a cop, who warns him from causing trouble, and reminding Sallinger that he's no longer a cop anymore. A mutual respect is brought about, and Sallinger and the cop, part ways. Driven to the Millionaires ranch,Roland also strikes up an off-beat friendship with the chauffeur, andis quick to help out en-route, defend the drivers sister against twogangster types. Sallinger kicks the s**t out of them, and finally meets up with his millionaire friend. He explains that his daughters life is in danger, and would Sallinger be her bodyguard? Roland agrees (but senses that his friend is not giving him all the 'intel' required) Sallinger has the security updated/modified/changed at the ranch, and puts his 'bone-breaking' skills to good use, on his first nights work (as he defends the Heiress, against two heavies at a bar) whilst Nikita's boyfriend is smooching with another girl in a back room. Nikita feels safe with her new bodyguard, and she regains her confidence again. But unbeknown to her, her cheating boyfriend has been 'leant-on' by her earlier (would-be) kidnappers, and plans to assist them in her kidnapping, next time they are out alone. Sallinger almost thwarts this kidnapping, but is arrested, after a crunching car-chase, and brutal shoot-out, leaving the kidnappers to get away with Nikita, and sending a ransom note to her wealthy father. I've gave away enough for you to guess that Sallinger, won't stop until he saves the girl, and kills the bad guys.......


Seagal is fine (although some of his dialogue is quiet) but i didn't notice any dubbing (other than the opening scene....which was an overhead shot of a car) He drops a few 'F-Bombs' from time to time, and is basically a (soft-hearted) bad ass throughout.The supporting cast are capable enough (no big names) but efficient enough, to keep ones interest. The Chauffeur gives the best secondary performance (emoting a lot, just through his looks and gestures)


Once again, i wasn't expecting UNDER SIEGE 2, but thankfully the movie had a fair few shoot-outs (about 3) a few fights (mostly a few quick moves) but brutal enough, and well spaced out (about 4) and a half decent car chase.


THE KEEPER was a good solid DTV movie. A lot better (and easier to understand, than say) KILLSWITCH or AGAINST THE DARK And coming after DRIVEN TO KILL, it's fine as a companion piece to both URBAN JUSTICE and PISTOL WHIPPED. Fans of non-stop action, might feel a little short-changed (but luckily, this has a coherent plot to fall back on, and it's pace rarely sags) But fans of Seagal himself, will enjoy this modest thriller (especially if they enjoyed MAN ON FIRE?

My rating 8 out of 10
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