Brütal Legend (2009 Video Game)
Brutal legend is brutally brilliant
25 October 2009
A game forged out of the rock of ages has come, giving the hard rocking metal fans what they want. Awesome tunes, rocking action/violence, big stars and a few well placed curse words. That game is Brutal legend. Jack Black is hilarious as Eddie Riggs, a poor roadie who meets an untimely end after trying to save some pratt on a rock n roll stage. His soul is taken to Hell where rock is a weapon of choice. Eddie dispatches evil with a huge battle axe and his trusty guitar and lays waste to anything in his path. Take a good look at the name of this game. It's called BRUTAL LEGEND and it means what it says. This is a very gory game but that's what I love about it. There's decapitations, limbs being hacked off, people being run over, you name it, this will probably have it. Also it has the best rock/metal tunes of yesteryear pumping out and rocking your console as you progress through the game. I found this game a lot of fun. It quenched my blood-lust and also appealed to the rocker within me. Jack Black does an excellent job as the hero of the game. He makes you totally believe in the character and you wonder where the quests will take you next. Cameos come a plenty in this from the prince of darkness himself Ozzy makes an appearance, Rob Halford from Judas Priest as well as Lemmy from Motorhead is involved in the storyline, leaving the best part of the villain to the great Tim Curry. BRUTAL LEGEND is the game that Metal/Rock fans have been waiting for and it has been a long wait. Finally it's here and it ROCKS!!!!
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