Rug-munching bloodsuckers from Norfolk.
31 October 2009
Obviously spurred on by Simon Pegg and Nick Frost's meteoric success following their appearance in British zombie comedy Shaun of the Dead, 'Gavin & Stacey's James Corden and Mathew Horne attempt to pull off the same trick by starring in Lesbian Vampire Killers, the tale of a luckless pair of lads who find themselves neck deep in sexy vampires whilst on a hiking holiday.

However, rather than catapulting them into Hollywood blockbuster territory, this puerile effort is more likely to send the hopeful duo hurtling into obscurity.

Playing a pair of foul-mouthed losers obsessed with sex and beer isn't the problem—after all, the main characters in 'Shaun' were hardly upstanding role models. No, the main reason this film fails so spectacularly is that it just isn't funny, with the comedy rarely rising above the level of schoolboy toilet humour, and the incessant swearing only serving to highlight the lack of genuine wit (to my shame, I sniggered at the phallic sword hilt, but that joke was the best of a very bad bunch and was repeated ad nauseum).

In addition to the laugh-free script, Cordon and Horne fail to make their characters likable, director Phil Claydon irritates with his dreadful directorial gimmicks, the acting is absolutely crap, the film lacks blood 'n' guts (when the vamps are killed, they spew white goop; what's up with that?), and the lesbian vampires themselves disappoint by never getting completely naked and properly getting it on with each other (there's a little bit of girl on girl snogging, but what's the point of giving your film such a cool sounding title if you're not really going to try and live up to it?).

All in all, this film is a complete embarrassment and an insult to fans of horror comedy.
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