Powerful Film
11 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Directed by Luis Puenzo, The Official Story was truly an eye opening film in my view. Taking place shortly after the 1976 coup d'etat in Argentina, this film mainly follows the life of Alicia, Roberto, and their adopted child Gaby. Alicia, who is a history professor, enjoys a privileged lifestyle due to her successful husband Roberto, who is a prominent businessman in Buenos Aires. Unfortunately, living such a lifestyle has made Alicia somewhat ignorant in understanding the suffering of her very own people, especially in regards to the military take over of 1976.

Thanks to a get together with her friend Anna, Alicia is told the horrors which took place; some of which include kidnappings, rapes, and torture. In some instances, the individuals rounded up, were forced to give up their kids for adoption. Knowing that Gaby is adopted, Alicia realizes that she could have been the daughter of an individual who indeed suffered due to the unforgiving military junta of the time. Alicia soon finds herself on a quest to find the real mother of Gaby, by checking birth records of various hospitals in Buenos Aires. While doing so, she inevitably is met by Gaby's grandmother, who presents Alicia with photos of Gaby's parents who are deceased. Alicia is shocked to find this out, but in reality, Gaby's parents were only one of thousands who were inhumanely slaughtered by the military junta.

Having conferred with Gaby's grandmother, Alicia tries to introduce the lady to her husband Roberto. However, Roberto is infuriated and believes the old grandmother to be a lunatic that is a scum of society. Thankfully, Alicia shrugs this incident off, and at the end of the movie, Roberto, albeit indirectly, admits that Gaby indeed is the child of the two deceased parents in question.

Overall, The Official Story was a well-made film. It not only had elements of comedy, drama, but also gripping suspense. All these elements were presented in a fashion that is atypical of traditional Hollywood, yet very effective nonetheless.
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