13 November 2009
As a fan of the first two 'Wrong Turn' films, I was expecting this to be a good but not great film with enough gore/horror/comedy to keep me entertained for 90 minutes. How wrong I was. The plot consists of this; four college kids are out rafting in the Bluefish River area, however their fun is abruptly ended when they are attacked by the mutant cannibal hillbilly Three Finger (Borislav Iliev). Only the teenager Alex (Janet Montgomery) succeeds in escaping running through the woods. Meanwhile, a group of dangerous criminals are transported from the West Virginia Grafton Penitentiary in a custody bus escorted by three security guards through the backwoods. Predictably the bus is attacked by Three Finger, causing the bus to crash in the woods and the struggle for power and survival begins.

Initially, I thought the plot was fairly well thought out and had the potential to work quite well. However, it doesn't work and these are the reasons why; the terrible casting, the laughable special effects and the dire script. I understand that this was a low budget horror movie but it could have been done so much better. The casting of British actors in American parts didn't help the film either with most of the casts accents slipping constantly, Tamer Hassan is particularly bad in his role and often reveals his strong London accent.

The special effects are beyond cheap and they look like something from the 70s or 80s. But undoubtedly the worst element of this movie is the script which could have been written by a couple of teenagers, the guards and cops have clichéd dialogue and the other actors have such a poor script to work with you almost begin to feel sorry for them.

Overall this movie is very poor and most importantly not scary in the slightest. In the end I found it a little insulting to the 'Wrong Turn' franchise.

I give it 2/10 and I think that may be slightly generous.
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