Inauspicious directorial debut
19 November 2009
This movie was actor George Montgomery's directorial debut, and he also co-wrote the script. It starts off very promising, with scenes that look like serious time was spent to set up, as well as a brisk pace.

Unfortunately, after the first twenty or so minutes pass, the movie quickly falls apart. Much of the movie is a long slog through jungle terrain, which gets boring pretty fast. The action sequences (the few that there are) show no flair or effort to try and make them exciting. And even though the lead character is missing a hand, practically NOTHING is done with this. With almost no rewriting, the movie could be played with a character with two hands.

There are a few unintended laughs, like how Montgomery's character is made to be supposedly irresistible to women, but overall this is a movie you can safely miss, even if you're a George Montgomery fan. However, if you must watch it, make an effort to find the best print possible. The movie is now in the public domain, and the PD print I watched had unbelievably poor sound quality.
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