Tepid movie with all the clichés
30 November 2009
The performances are uneven; Stack is putting on his A-level Stack imitation; Mayo looks drugged out on a sedative; Roman shows some energy, but no costume movie sensibility; Leo Gordon is Leo Gorden. Good! But there is far too little of him, and he is not part of the plot.

Anachronisms all over the place. Using dynamite in 1861? The pistols-except for Leo Gordon's-belong to the decade. which followed.

The plot is a combination of bits and pieces from other movies and impossibilities. The persons who wrote it probably consulted the "code" much too often. Every possible inanity is used to keep this movie eligible for awards.The action is lethargic. AND, for big screen western', there is an awful lot of the action taking place indoors.
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