W.C. Fields: Straight Up (1986 TV Movie)
Good celebration of the man
20 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Full disclosure: I just read two biographies of Fields and another book about Hollywood that he was a big part of. To that end my feeling are colored by knowing almost too much.

Good retrospective of the work of WC Fields. Narrated by Dudley Moore this is an overview of Fields life and films. Its full of great clips and remembrances by friends and relatives. If you are just coming upon Fields for the first time this is a very good place to start. Its also very good if you want a greatest hits clip reel.

On the other hand if you are looking for more on the great man than just a cursory over view look else where. Yes this will tell you the basics but at the same time I learned more from the A&E biography program thats included in on of the Fields box sets. This is more a celebration then a s detailed look, which id fine. I re-fell in love with Fields when this originally aired on TV. However in the intervening years, and in the last few months in particular I've been delving in to Fields and I find this wasn't a great as I once thought.

That said watching it again for the first time in a decade or do I find that I did enjoy watching this again. It is a solid little film. I just wish it was a more complete biography.

Worth a look.
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