Jacques Rivette : French new wave master films zany art of describing small things of life.
5 January 2010
If a sagacious spectator is allowed to put labels on various films and film directors,it can be said for sure that French film 36 Vues Du Pic Saint Loup / Around a small mountain would surely be labeled as a different kind of "bold Jacques Rivette" film.A small word of advice;one should not confuse the usage of the word "different" here as this film's differentness concerns the manner in which artistic creation is filmed by Rivette especially whimsically comical art of circus which has its own share of agony and ecstasy.It might also be possible that this appellation has something to do with the fact that Rivette has given an artistic dimension to human elements.It is true that this feature film by French new wave master Rivette is a short film if we were to consider other films which have been directed by him.However,its brief duration does not obstruct its inherent flow of suspense which does not remain a leap in the dark.This is precisely a special quality which gives attentive viewers ample chance in order to appreciate not only emotional game of its leading players Jane Birkin and Sergio Castellitto but also an opportunity to prick up one's ears as some of the most elegant dialogs need a pair of extremely attentive ears.Watching this film was a unique experience for film critic Lalit Rao as he sat with veteran Malayalam cinema actor Madhu (Saat Hindustani) during 14th International Film Festival of Kerala 2009
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