An awful thing to behold.
8 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This so-called movie was a waste of film and time. I had great hopes for Rhonda Shea at the time this lame porno was released. Rhonda should have simply avoided the entire project. I would wager it hurt her more than anything else I have seen her in. Yes.... actors are supposed to act... but not at any price. You have to have perimeters and standards to live up to. Basic Training had almost nothing going for it. Even the sound was bad. It appeared at the Robert E. Lee theater in New Orleans (Rhonda's home town) and it was a low quality heart breaker to all her local friends. There were people walking out of the theater as the movie went on. Into each life any number of mistakes must come. This was certainly one for the book. ....... Chucky B Woodenhead.
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