Awkward and oddly uncomfortable...kind of interesting, In a cookie dough sort of way.
9 January 2010
As in most of Lynch's films, the viewer can't really tell what's truly going on, and interpretation is left up to him.

However, for me, this felt basically pointless, if not for the object of artistic experimentation within animation. The repetitious aspect of the film, short as it is, is what most bugged me. I felt as if I was sitting across from an awkward man-child who was trying to stuff crackers through his nostrils, repeatedly and unsuccessfully, or something strange, staring at me with huge eyes, as if he expected me to react in some way. Awkward and uncomfortable. Then again, this does almost have a certain level of interest. What exactly tickled my curiosity I don't quite know.

Anyhow, its worth a look if you enjoy Lynch's work and presume to understand it, which probably no one entirely does. Still interesting to see what his early work was like.
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