THE HUNCHBACK OF THE MORGUE (Javier Aguirre, 1973) **
23 January 2010
This popular Paul Naschy title re-unites him with the director and two cast members (Rosanna Yanni and Vic Winner) of COUNT DRACULA'S GREAT LOVE (1972); unfortunately, it proved rather a let-down – largely because of its mix of unsavory themes (including necrophilia) and extreme gore (which comes across as unintentionally amusing most of the time). As was his fashion, the writer/star tackles the tragic (but not exactly sympathetic) title role: picked on by everybody (be it village children, morgue attendants and hospital staff), he naturally develops a vindictive attitude – eventually going off his rocker when a seriously ill girl he is infatuated with dies. For obscure plot purposes, a mad scientist (Alberto Dalbes) – driven to work underground – promises to revive her for him…except that the latter's assistants, offended by the ungodly sight and stench of her corpse (having been gnawed at by rats, which Naschy furiously sets on fire in retribution), dump her in the doctor's convenient vat of sulphuric acid (but have obviously reckoned without the hunchback's wrath which comes instantaneously)! Yanni plays the heroine, a young new intern, who somehow finds the misshapen Naschy appealing (for no very good reason, though she had displayed similar traits of nymphomania in the afore-mentioned Dracula film) and also on hand is Maria Perschy (like her, Dalbes and Antonio Mayans a Jess Franco alumnus) as the head of the hospital, whose boyfriend (Winner) happens to be the mad scientist's closest collaborator! Incidentally, what the two are working on – which Dalbes claims will turn all known scientific conceptions on their heads – only becomes evident until the closing reel: the sum total of their labor (to which many a human life has been sacrificed) results in a gigantic slimy creature(?!) not unlike the Swamp Thing of Wes Craven's eponymous 1982 release. As I said at the beginning, the film is generally too grim and the atmosphere too sordid to be readily enjoyed, what with dissections, beheadings, disembowelments, and even a couple of charred, half-dead characters – tied to one another but somehow still standing and able to walk!
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