Billy the Kid (1941)
Gorgeous outdoor photography but dull screenplay...
3 February 2010
BILLY THE KID's outdoor photography of handsome exterior settings gives this western a rugged flavor and ROBERT TAYLOR makes an acceptable Billy the Kid. MGM obviously wanted to toughen his appearance on screen as one of filmdom's handsomest male stars and chose to cast him in this rugged role. Most of the time his tough expression ranges from petulant to suspicious and not much else, but this was before his acting took on more dimension in other sturdier western roles.

However, nobody in the cast can overcome the fact that the screenplay is rather routine. BRIAN DONLEVY is sturdy as the Marshall who grew up with Billy and MARY BRIAN is fine as the love interest. GENE LOCKHART is effective as a cowardly villain and others in the cast give the story some flavor despite a screenplay full of western clichés.

Nice to look at, but easily forgettable as a story of Billy the Kid.
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